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Home > The Fair > 2024 EXHIBITOR'S GUIDE > Fiber Arts (G)

Fiber Arts (G)

If you are interested in volunteering in the Fiber Arts department you can find more information here!
Photo by Chase Anderson (2023) 

Fiber Arts (G)

Jason Munkres

Elizabeth McCubbin
Valarie Keaton

Location: Wool Shed

Premiums: (Required points)
Blue $5 (93 – 100)
Red $4 (80 – 92)
White Ribbon (70 – 79)

*Check the Daily Schedule on kiosks around the Fair for SPECIAL FIBER ARTS ACTIVITIES on the FIBER COURTYARD next to the Woolshed*

Sally Bill Memorial Award -- An award to the best entry made of the exhibitor’s hand-spun yarn. A gift certificate has been donated by Island Fibers of Lopez Island.

Judy Packard Knitting Award -- In memory of Judy Packard, this award goes to the hand-knitted entry that best "journeys to adventuresome places, has a creative yet practical design, and embraces a zest for life”. A cash prize accompanies this award.


General Note to Exhibitors: Entries are first categorized into different major "Classes", 1 through 14, based usually on the fiber art technique employed (e.g., hand spinning; crochet; knitting; weaving; felting; basketry, etc.). The only exception is for Class 14 "Youth", where all entries by exhibitors aged 16 and younger are included, regardless of the type of fiber art employed. Within each “Class”, entries are then further sub-divided by "Lot'. See below for more specifics.

The exhibitor must have completed the entry within the past year.

Four different entries per Class + Lot are allowed except for Class 1 where two different entries per Lot are allowed. Note: Only one item of a pattern will be accepted from an exhibitor. For example, scarves of the same pattern using a different yarn will be considered the same, or slippers of the same pattern but in different sizes will be considered the same.

Articles stained, soiled, or showing significant wear will not be accepted or judged.

Entry must state whether yarns were handspun by the exhibitor or purchased (i.e., "commercial" yarn). If not specified, entry will be assumed to have been made with commercial yarn.

For each entry, first select the appropriate Class, and then add the letter of the Lot. For example, a hand-knit sweater made from yarn spun by the exhibitor would be entered in Class 2, Lot b. The Exhibit name on the entry tag would include the title of the sweater plus “Sweater of Handspun Yarn” or a similar description.

An additional descriptive tag called the “Exhibit/Judge’s Summary” form (available from the superintendents or in the Woolshed on entry day at the Fair), must accompany the official Fair entry tag. In addition to allowing the exhibitor to provide additional information about the entry, this form will be used to record the Judge’s evaluation and comments.

Exhibitors are encouraged (but not required) to attach an optional swatch, maximum size 4”x4”, to the entry. The public is not allowed to touch the actual entry but may touch the swatch.

CRITERIA for JUDGING (maximum of 100 points):

General overall
Appearance: 10
Design: 50
Technique: 40

Class 12: BASKETRY
Craftsmanship 40
Degree of difficulty 20
Design 20
Finishing 20

-FIBER ARTS; GENERAL- Classes 2 thru 11, and 13-14

General overall appearance 10
Design 30
Technique 40
Finishing 20

Handspun yarns are judged by technique. An entry must be a minimum of 20 yards and a maximum of 150 yards, skeined, tied in 4 or more places, and twisted into a hank.
a. Worsted
b. Woolen
c. Boucle
d. Novelty (slub, knot, and others)
e. Multiple Plies/Cabled
f. Other

Class 2: HAND KNITTING - HAND SPUN YARNS. (see below for Lots)

Class 3: HAND KNITTING - COMMERCIAL YARNS. (see below for Lots)

Class 4: MACHINE KNITTING - HAND SPUN YARNS. (see below for Lots)

Class 5: MACHINE KNITTING - COMMERCIAL YARNS. (see below for Lots)

Class 6: CROCHET - HAND SPUN YARNS. (see below for Lots)

Class 7: CROCHET - COMMERCIAL YARNS. (see below for Lots)

Class 8: HAND WEAVING - HAND SPUN YARNS. (see below for Lots)
Use of a commercial yarn warp is permitted. Entries include on-loom weaving (table, inkle, rigid heddle, tapestry) and off-loom (card/tablet, backstrap, needle, finger)*

Class 9: HAND WEAVING - COMMERCIAL YARNS. (see below for Lots)

Class 10: FELTING. (see below for Lots)
Includes needle felting, traditional wet felting, nuno felting, silk fusion, other felting techniques, etc. Note: do not enter items made by first knitting/crocheting/weaving, and then “felting” them (i.e., ”fulling”) in this Class. Instead enter them in the Class above that describes the fiber technique used to create their starting structure (e.g., Knitting, Crochet, Weaving, etc.)

LOTS: Classes 2 thru 10

a. Coat
b. Sweater
c. Vest
d. Skirt
e. Yardage
f. Other
g. Purse or bag
h. Shawl
i. Scarf
j. Hat
k. Mittens or gloves
l. Belt
m. Socks – Must be a pair.
n. Slippers
o. Other
Household items:
p. Afghan or blanket
q. Pillow
r. Placemats (minimum of 2)
s. Coasters (minimum of 4)
t. Towels (minimum of 2)
u. Wall hanging
v. Rug
w. Doll
x. Doilies
y. Other items

a. Bobbin Lace
b. Braiding (kumihimo, etc.)
c. Tatting
d. Dyeing and other surface design and embellishment; fabric collage; etc.
e. Sprang
f. Other (e.g., paper making; micro-macrame; other fiber techniques; etc.)

Class 12: BASKETRY
a. Coiled and Knotted
b. Twined
c. Woven - splintwork/plaiting
d. Rib/Wicker
e. Miscellaneous


Entries in this class must be designed and made by the exhibitor. A description of the design inspiration and process in text, drawings, and/or photos must be provided with the entry. The item may be made of either: 1) fibers of animal or plant material raised or grown by the exhibitor or (2) purchased. The item may NOT be made from a commercial pattern. Each entry must be constructed using one or more fiber and/or textile techniques (e.g. knitting, weaving, crochet, felting, etc). Items are judged on creativity, originality, and design excellence. No Lot needs to be specified for this Class.

a. Handspun Yarn (minimum 10 yards, skeined)
b. Hand Knitting
c. Crochet
d. Weaving
e. Felting
f. Other

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