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Best of Show & Special Awards 2024

2024 "Keepin' it 100" Fair Board Awards

The San Juan County Fair Board has the privilege of awarding up to 10 awards each year for exceptional contributions to the annual San Juan County Fair. The awards are intended to recognize fair participants who add to the energy, vitality, and unique identity of the Fair in a way that captures the attention and imagination of attendees.

LOEA Designs aka "The T-Shirt Booth" – One of the first questions many people ask on entering the fairgrounds is “Where is the T-Shirt Booth this year?” Jennifer Rigg’s inspired designs have filled the fairgrounds with wearable souvenirs of the fair for years. For the art, the creativity, and the energy that this booth brings to the fair, the Fair Board thanks Jennifer and her crew.

Brad Fincher – Brad Fincher emceed the Chicken Race this year, but he has emceed many events and games over his years at the fair. He never ceases to amuse and to entertain.

LeAnne GrosJacques-Burt –It takes a village of leaders and parents to make it 4-H work, but LeAnne GrosJacques-Burt has been the glue that has held the large animal livestock events together for over 25 years. The Fair Board recognizes her dedication, her mentorship of 4-H participants, and the sheer energy she brings to the task.

Suzie’s Toys – Suzie’s Toys have delighted our youngest fairgoers for years. This year, Suzie and her grandson Henry also proved themselves to be true members of the San Juan County Fair community by helping out the Zucchini 500 event by reporting vandals and sleeping at the event location overnight to provide extra security.

PeaceHealth – The PeaceHealth booth in the main fairgrounds engaged fairgoers, particularly children, with a variety of toys and giveaways, and did so with a smile.

Friends of the San Juans – The Friends of the San Juans booth brought an exciting new experience to the main building this year with their virtual reality viewers. Fairgoers could swim with salmon, watch divers, and get 360-degree views of our precious waters.

Historical Society Pioneer Cabin – Boosting the fair’s historical theme this year, the San Juan Island Historical Society hosted historical talks about the county and its recently restored Pioneer Cabin.

Farm to Faire – Farm to Faire, from Orcas Island, was a new vendor at the food court this year. Featuring garlic parmesan fries and fried chicken sandwiches, they quickly became a fair favorite.

Junior Arts & Crafts Entertainment – Kristina Stucki, Superintendent of Junior Arts & Crafts, added a new dimension to that department by hosting a broad complement of entertainment for young fairgoers. The crowd of kids around the building proved her success.

2024 Ribbon Awards by Department


Best of Show - Laura Bell

Best Use of Theme
Hallie Hargrove & James Schulz

People's Choice:

Capri Bartlett - Mixed Cookies
Jack Bashaw - Chocolate Chip (Youth)
Ashley Bolte - Quick Bread
Malia Fearn -
Cupcakes & Healthful (Adult & Youth)
Kaden Heckele - Quick Breads (Youth)
Dylan Montero - Brownies (Adult & Youth)
Tessa Nichols - Muffins
Marty Robinson - Chocolate Chip Cookie
Vera Schoultz - Breakfast Breads (Youth)

Special Merit:

Lewis Grooms - Best Pie Adult & Youth
RuthAnn Krooswyk -
Best Apple Pie Award
Gabby Rishel - Best Adult Chocolate Chip

Fiber Arts

Best in Show - Jason Munkres,
Color-blended Rug "Before Dawn"
Best in Class (Hand Spinning) -
Claire Crawbuck
Best in Class (Hand Knitting - Commercial Yarns) - Laura Evans, Men's Selbu Mittens
Best in Class (Crochet-Commercial Yarns) - Gabrielle Conway, "Hygge for Mom"
Best in Class (Hand Weaving - Commercial Yarns) - Jason Munkres, Color-blended Rug "Before Dawn"
Best in Class (Misc Fiber Techniques) - Katey Rissi, Dye Sample Book
Best in Class (Basketry) - Silvie Coffelt, Lavender Stem Basket
Best in Class (Youth Division) - Penelope Moore, Amigurumi Crochet Cow
Sally Bill Memorial Award - Julie Packard, Handspun/Hand-dyed Socks
Judy Packard Knitting Award - Laura Nepveu, Blue Knitted Coat
Judge's Special Award - Sheila Metcalf, Handwoven Shawl "Scrumptious Shimmer"
Judge's Special Award - Megan Surbaugh, Star Wars Knitted Scarf
People's Choice Awards:
Thursday - Else Ranker, Felted Mushrooms on Bark
Friday - Audrey Stewart, Crochet Converse Booties
Saturday - Peg Hope, Family of Cameleons
Sunday (tie) -
Sheila Metcalf, Handwoven Ruana
Annika Bjorling, Knitted Dishtowels

Food Preservation

Best in Show - Mo Sloane

Best in Class (Jams) - Mary Jo Bolte
Best in Class (Vegetables)- Elizabeth Herbert & Guard Sundstrom
Best in Class (Fruit) - Lisa Howard
Best in Class (Pickles & Relishes) - Daniel Whitman
Best in Class (Fruit Leathers) - Tara Wilding

Junior Arts & Crafts

Emerging Artist Award - Lyla Lynne Frohm
Best in Show - Bjorn Hillukka
Best in Show - Cleo Twigg
Best in Class - Sean Fitts
Best in Class - Nadya Troutman
Best in Class - Amar Khokha Kaku

Beer & Wine

Best in Show - Dylan McElhaney
Best in Show - Avery Adams
Best in Class - Eric Rezabek
Best in Class - Bob Nutt
Best in Class - Chris Sherwood
Special Award - Avery Adams

Crafts & Hobbies

Best in Show - Stephen Dyer

Best in Class (Woodworking) - Stephen Dyer
Best in Class (Metalworking) - Christian Carter
Best in Class (Jewelry) - Jupiter Nielsen
Best in Class (Basketry) - Alana Kelley
Best in Class (Glass Craft)- Jupiter Nielsen
Best in Class (Ceramics/Porcelain) - Brooke Melville
Best in Class (Mosaics) - Justin Rodda
Best in Class (Other Crafts) - Savannah Kerns

Special Awards - Julie Curley

People's Choice - Stephen Dyer


Best of Show - Stacie Chavez
Best of Show - Dan Garner
Best of Class - Lucie Kusner
Best of Class/Grand Champion/Reserve Champion - Sarah Pope


Best of Show - Meaghan Felso

Best of Class (General) - Meaghan Felso, Ali Iverson & Wendy Pinnow
Best of Class (Photo Essay) - Kathy Finholm
Best of Class (Farm Animals)- Cynthia Brast
Best of Class (Travel) - Emily Jarobson & Anand Khoka
Best of Class (Portrait) - Anand Khoka
Special Award - Jack Riley

People's Choice:
Anne Brahic Kusner
Jack Riley


Grand Champion - Danielle Arnott

Poultry & Eggs

Class 1 - Chickens
Reserve Champion - Jan Sanburg
Grand Champion & Best in Class - James Schulz
Grand Champion & Best in Show -Fielding Johanfar
Class 2 - Ducks
Best in Show - Jan Sanburg
Class 7 - Eggs
Grand Champion - James Schulz
Reserve Champion - Milene Henley

Rabbits & Cavies

Best of Show - Ruby Anne Haskins


Grand Champion - Crosby Guard
Grand Champion - Wyatt Guard


Grand Champion - Wyatt Guard
Reserve Champion - Crosby Guard

Creative Arts "Fine Arts"

Best of Show - Ellory Dasson
Best of Show - Galiea Torres
Best of Show - Mullis Senior Painters
Best of Show - Rowan Frymire
Best of Show - Elian Bayas

Best of Class - Ellory Dasson
Best of Class - Mila Jackson
Best of Class - LylaLynne Frohm
Best of Class - Mullis Senior Painters
Best of Class - Jax Heath
Best of Class - Kira Clark
Best of Class - Rowan Frymire
Best of Class - Sarah McElhaney
Best of Class - Elian Bayas

Special Awards -
Mila Jackson, Lyla Lynne Frohm, Felicity Schubert, Ronan Stalker, Cynthia & Doug, Mullis Senior Painters, Tabby Talley, Doug DeMeerleer, Lynn Bahrych, Kenneth Brown, Rachel Dietzman, Anna Donisi, Teresa Francis, Pamela Herber, Mary Ray, Hazel Nye, Rowan Frymire, Raymond Glantz, Ceradwen Tokheim, Mary Ray and Elian Bayas

People's Choice:
Rowan Frymire, Matilda Twigg, Mullis Senior Painters, Matt Dollahite


Best of Show (Annuals & Biennials) -
Joanna Rubio: Black-Eyed Susan Sahara
Best of Class (Youth) -
James Schulz: Bumble Bee Farm
Best of Class (Shrubs & Vines) -
Sonjaya Beben: Hydrangea
Best of Class (Dahlia) -
Sandy Richard: Ball, Lindy's Baby
Best of Class (Gladiolus) -
Nancy Honeywell: Dark Pink Gladiolus
Best of Class (Lilies) -
Leslie Byron
Best of Class (Perennials) -
Marilyn Gresseth: Baby's Breath
Best of Class (Arrangements) -
Chelsea Foussard: Dining Table Soft Colors
Best of Class (Potted Plants) -
Pilar Conde: Nicotiana Alta
Best of Class
(Everlasting Flowers/Grasses)
Sandy Richard: Grass Frosted Explosion
Best of Class (Roses) -
Anne Williams: Miniature White Heirloom

Textile Arts

Best of Show - Quilting:
Linda Cooper
Best of Show - Sewing:
Mimi Anderson
2nd Best of Show - Quilting:
Nancy Best
2nd Best of Show - Sewing:
Julie Weaver
Honorable Mention - Sewing:
Marie Johanson
Honorable Mention - Sewing:
Nancy Best
Honorable Mention - Sewing:
Nancy Best
Honorable Mention - Sewing:
Janet Dunn
Honorable Mention - Quilting:
Barb Snider
Honorable Mention - Quilting:
Cici Peterson
Honorable Mention - Quilting:
Cooky Gossom
Honorable Mention - Quilting:
Diane Martindale
Honorable Mention - Quilting:
Jennifer Johnson

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