When do the movies start?
The movie times are determined by the seasons and start around civil twilight. Please refer to the event page for each movie here on our site, and like our Facebook to stay current on Movie Times, potential schedule changes, as well as when the Parking lot opens for that specific evening!
When are tickets available?
When parking begins. Tickets are sold at the gate upon your arrival. We can accommodate approximately 80 cars.
When can I come to park my car?
Parking is generally one hour prior to the announced showtime. Cars will be parked by staff members according to height to accommodate the best view for each guest. If you have a taller vehicle or a large storage container on top of your car, you will be directed to park in the second row and back. Thank you for planning your visit accordingly
When must I arrive to get a space in the front row?
All vehicles are parked by Fairground's staff members. If you are in a smaller vehicle and do not have a storage container (or larger item) on top of your vehicle, you can be in the first row! Fairground's staff try to fit cars to accommodate the best view of the screen. For parking times, please check each movie's event page, or like us on Facebook for updates.
How do I hear the movie?
The sound for our movies stream through your FM car radio. We use 87.7FM or 87.9FM and it will be announced prior to the start of the movie, if your radio does not scan to the station, please manually adjust your dial. We currently do not offer radio rentals, but please feel free to bring a portable radio. We have two speakers located close to the screen for people who are sitting outside of their car.
How can I run my engine during the movie?
We ask that you turn off your engine and just use your auxiliary power by turning your key half-way. This uses battery power only, but typically never drains the battery (we have jumpers just in case!). *Insider tip*Bring a dark towel or placemat to cover your dash lights!
How will my headlights affect other movie goers?
Please turn off all headlights INCLUDING parking lights except when entering or leaving the drive-in. You will be asked to turn them off by one of our friendly parking attendants if they are on into the start of the movie.
Does it matter what kind of car I come in?
No. You can come in a sports car or a monster truck. Do note that if you are a larger vehicle, our parking attendants will ask you to park in the back rows so as to not obstruct other car’s views. This will be regardless of when you show up for first come parking.
Do I have to be in my car?
No. You may bring a “camp chair” or cushion to sit outside. Please do not sit in between rows as cars that may choose to leave early might not see you! *Insider tip*: Bring a blanket and an extra layer—beautiful evenings in the San Juan Islands often turn into cool nights rather quickly!
Can I save a space for myself or a friend’s car?
Unfortunately, no. In order to be fair to everyone, we open our gates for parking about an hour ahead of start time (specific time will be listed on website and Facebook page)to accommodate people on a first-come, first-serve basis. Movie-goers will be directed by our parking attendants based on your vehicle height but you can certainly request a spot if available!
Can I bring in outside food and drinks?
Yes, you can, however alcohol is NOT permitted. Concessions are available (popcorn, candy, soda, etc) during parking load-in and the first half of the movie. We work with multiple non-profit and service groups for fundraising by selling concessions, they welcome your support! If you are interested in more information about partnering with us for a fundraiser, please email info@sjcfair.org .